Friday, December 18, 2009

In Search of a Prius That Runs on Cooking Oil, or Product Documentation Contributes to the Smart Grid

If you root around the CAD websites these days, everyone seems to be looking to add a check to the "green" box.  SolidWorks, for example, recently rolled out "Sustainability Express" in all licenses of SolidWorks. This video highlights some functionality of the SolidWorks Sustainability Suite.

As the child of a Beatnik (just a bit too old to be a hippy), I find it very satisfying to find companies that are trying to do the right thing for the environment.  I am proud to say that we recently took part in just such a project.

My customer produces complex equipment used to power our world.  They recently developed a product that was widely accepted by their customers as an essential component of the Smart Grid and, simply put, sold as soon as they could build them.  And therein, as the Bard would tell us, lies the rub...

This company had sufficient floor space and enough business to triple their manufacturing capacity.  However, this piece of machinery is extremely complex and can only be built by a small number of qualified individuals.  Our customer needs to train its users without sacrificing the time of these valuable, qualified shop floor individuals. 

Recently, this company chose to implement 3DVia as a solution to this issue.  The solution will allow CAD data to be used as a starting point for interactive assembly instructions. These instructions will be delivered to shop floor with a Bill of Material (BOM) and data that describes each part.  Moreover, these instructions will be automatically updated when the BOM/geometry/description changes to alleviate confusion.

The expected outcome of this project is to build more than three times as many units, and increase revenue by 3x on the chosen product line.  If successful, the solution can be scaled up to include any product that they have designed in 3D CAD.

Ken Kesey once said "You're either on the bus or off the bus."  Working together, we are simply building a bigger, more pimped out version of the bus that will house more workers, create lower emissions and decrease our carbon foot print.  And what a long, strange trip it's going to be...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Motion Stress Recovery

Machine Designers have a tough time figuring out reaction generated to applied loading. Using SolidWorks Motion simulation users can calculate loads generated in a component. This involves a two step process, (a) solve motion analysis (b) import loads calculated in motion analysis into structural simulation and then co-relate the two. One of the cool features introduced in Simulation 2010 motion simulation is converging two steps into one.

Once motion analysis is run, users can simply pick a component of interest and tell motion analyzer to calculate reaction load during all frames of motion or pick a specific frame of interest. Obviously, number of frames accounted for, will directly correspond to time taken for calculation.

1  2 

Coolness factor

What's amazing, is users can superimpose parameter of interest (displacement, factor of safety etc.) in a component due to applied motion and animate the results. This shows both the motion as well as reaction generated in the component due to motion in a single interface. So the user understands complete component behavior under motion.  

Rajat Trehan

Product Manager - Design Validation 

Computer Aided Technology Inc.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Double Click and Nothing!!!! when I try to change references.

Dec2009 artical02 
  Stewy, Chill!!! On the Support line, we have been getting reports of users not being able to double click and browse to a file in the Edit Referenced File Dialog. Yes young Mr Griffin there is a way to fix it. It is actually a new undocumented functionality in SolidWorks 2009 SP 5.0 and SolidWorks 2010 SP 1.0, which went over like a ton of bricks. So, the functionality was for you to hold your Ctrl Key and then double click on the selected file name and then the browse for file dialog would come. Do not worry friend, the user base responded very quickly to this change and SolidWorks will be placing things back to their previous functionality of just double clicking. For a SolidWorks 2010 user you will get this in SP2.0 slated for Q1 release. And for those of you still on SolidWorks 2009 SP 5.0, you will be getting a Hot fix (Yes you heard me, a HOT FIX) shortly there after. Until then child if you are 2009 SP5.0 or SolidWorks 2010 SP1.0 you'll have to hold that control key before you double click on edit reference files, and Stewy...nice bounce around.


Bob McGaughey,CSWP

Regional Technical Manager

Computer Aided Technology

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Green Design!

Making sure products designed are environmentally friendly and meet all government regulations is a big part of engineering. Many states are passing laws to make sure companies doing business there are developing sustainable products. e.g. the state of California passed a regulation to make trailers coming into California aerodynamic. The goal is to minimize drag, leading to reduced fuel consumption and thus lower greenhouse gas emissions.

SolidWorks has come out with a new tool called "Sustainability". Users can study environmental  impact material, manufacturing process, and location on design.  SolidWorks Sustainability distills the results into environmental impact factors, such as

Carbon Emissions Carbon dioxide and equivalents, such as carbon monoxide and methane, that are released into atmosphere, resulting in global warming.

Energy Consumed All forms of energy consumed over entire life cycle of product.

Air Acidification Air pollution primarily due to burning of fossil fuels, eventually leading to acid rain.

Water Eutrophication Contamination by fertilizers that travel through rivers to coastal waters, resulting in algae blooms and eventual killing of all sea life in certain coastal regions.

Using Sustainability, users get real time feedback on environmental impact of materials from a dashboard. Also, users can look for a similar material and then compare results.


There are two versions of Sustainability

SolidWorks SustainabilityXpress

Handles part documents and is included with every license of SolidWorks for free.

SolidWorks Sustainability

Handles part and assembly files, also supports multiple configurations, and has added environment impact factors.

I believe SolidWorks is keeping ahead of the curve, making sure they are practicing what they preach. Asking designers to think differently and keeping innovation at the forefront.

Rajat Trehan

Product Manager - Design Validation 

Computer Aided Technology Inc.